Contact Us
John Manning, Sc.D, PE
415.661.6760 [email protected]
Licensed mechanical engineer with 40 years of forensic mechanical engineering experience focused on consumer and workplace products liability and California Labor Code Section 4558 lawsuits. Download CV
Kenneth E. Buske, MSEE, MSIA, PE
707.280.6400 [email protected]
Licensed electrical engineer with 37 years of forensic electrical engineering experience focused on products liability, industrial workplace incidents, and forensic electrical aspects of fire cause and origin. Download CV
Scott E. Buske, M.Sc., PE, PI, CFI
209.640.4408 [email protected]
Licensed engineer with 20 years of electro-mechanical engineering experience. Forensic investigations include automobile accidents, fire cause and origin, and the investigation of electro-mechanical device failures. Download CV
Thomas Read, Ph.D, PE
707.494.5089 [email protected]
Licensed materials engineer with 25 years of manufacturing experience in electronics, metallurgy, factory safety, failure analysis, glass, and bottle failure; extensive background in manufacturing techniques. Download CV
Barbara Manning, Ph.D
650.209.0160 [email protected]
Computer scientist and high-tech group manager with 15 years of software development experience and 10 years of high-tech management experience. Download CV