Contact Us

dude #1

John Manning, Sc.D, PE

415.661.6760 [email protected]

Licensed mechanical engineer with 40 years of forensic mechanical engineering experience focused on consumer and workplace products liability and California Labor Code Section 4558 lawsuits. Download CV

Dude #2

Kenneth E. Buske, MSEE, MSIA, PE

707.280.6400 [email protected]
Licensed electrical engineer with 37 years of forensic electrical engineering experience focused on products liability, industrial workplace incidents, and forensic electrical aspects of fire cause and origin.  Download CV

Dude #3

Scott E. Buske, M.Sc., PE, PI, CFI

209.640.4408 [email protected]

Licensed engineer with 20 years of electro-mechanical engineering experience. Forensic investigations include automobile accidents, fire cause and origin, and the investigation of electro-mechanical device failures.  Download CV

Dude #4

Thomas Read, Ph.D, PE

707.494.5089 [email protected]

Licensed materials engineer with 25 years of manufacturing experience in electronics, metallurgy, factory safety, failure analysis, glass, and bottle failure; extensive background in manufacturing techniques. Download CV

The only girl

Barbara Manning, Ph.D

650.209.0160 [email protected]

Computer scientist and high-tech group manager with 15 years of software development experience and 10 years of high-tech management experience. Download CV

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